Friday 3 March 2017

Evaluation Question 7


Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 6 - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
Evaluation Question 6 - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires">

Evaluation question 5


                                           How did you attract your audience?

In our two minute film scene, we tried to attract our audience with many different types of conventions and stereotypes, some of these are:


  • Connection between the protagonist to the audience.
  • Emphasis on stereotypes of males.
  • Close ups of the antagonist.
We used these so that we could connect the audience to the film opening and it would create a stronger bond of appeal to the audience. We also felt that due to the stereotypes of girls being the victims, we would use males to change the typical convention.

Image result for mediaSound

We used a pitch change of our thriller scene to emphasise the 'horror' in conjunction to the 'normal' scenes to create more effect. This helped with the movement of our scene as it made it more linked to the audience so that it creates more of an effect and an attraction.

Our scene involves two boys who are friends walking in the woods and then another boy who is seen as the antagonist. The reason that they are two boys and not two girls as the victim is so that we change the gender stereotype and males feel more involved within the horror and want to watch it more.

Evaluation question 4

                   Who would be the audience for your media product and why.

When looking into our themes and genre conventions we came across many ideas of which we wanted to use in our pre-lim and our official. We also looked into the different themes so that we could appeal to different age groups. We felt that thrillers appeal to many different ages, but mostly young adults and teens. 

One of the reasons that we chose to appeal to young adults and teens is because that is also the age range of the actors, as they are 16/17 years old themselves. The element of thriller is used well in our scene as we had a protagonist and an antagonist, this was important for us so that we could use them against eachother and somehow create binary opposites.

After finding out what age group we wanted to appeal, we then had to research what their ideas were and how we would make our scene interesting to them. We did this with 3 different questionnaires and it gave us a big insight into what we should and what we should not include. As the age group we were appealing to were the same age group as us, we also took that into  consideration as to what WE liked as well. 

Our secondary audience are older adults, as older people also like to watch thrillers and we feel like our story line could appeal to all. However we feel like our target audience is perfect for us as we could also link other parts of what we researched to the scene.

Finally, i feel as though we have created our our thriller perfectly in the way  of target audience, secondary audience and in conjunction of narrative theory.

Evaluation question 3


Evaluation question 2


Evaluation question 1

Mind Map created by Maddie Hulbert with GoConqr