Monday, 26 September 2016

Preliminary Planning

Preliminary Planning.

Location - For the location of our preliminary task, we decided to try and find an office that resembles an office in a police station, the reason for this is that our task is based upon a conversation between a super-intendant and an inspector, therefore to make it more realistic we wanted to make sure we had the background for it. We then used one of the house offices for our location, as it had desks with paperwork on it so looked more professional and display boards behind on the walls which looked like it was part of the set up.

Casting - For the casting, we decided not to audition anyone, this was due to the fact that Jordan and Alex had decided that they wanted to be the characters in the task, and Anna and I wanted to do the camera shots and look at the different camera angles. Alex was the inspector, Jordan was the super intendant and myself and Anna were responsible for filming.

Camera shots - This part of the task was one of the most important to us in many different aspects. This was so as we wanted to make sure that we included all of the main camera shots that we were focusing on, which were the shot reverse shot, 180 shot and match on action. While practising these three shots, we also took it as a chance to explore other camera shots and different angles and see what ones we could also feature when editing the real thing. Therefore we included many different camera shots as well as the three main ones we were told to focus on. This will help us when editing our real two minute opening as we will have more experience.

Close up shot

We chose to use a close up shot as a part of our match on action camera angle as it creates different effects that the other camera shots couldnt. One of these effects are that as it is a close up it causes an intense emotion as it also creates an intimidation link between the character and the situation of our pre-lim task. We all thought that by using a close up shot it would also re-iterate the way of authority towards Jordan character. It also continued to add a sense of danger and mystery to our task as the audeince who has watched it has only seen the back of Jordan, not his face or anything else that would let someone know the emotion of the scene.

We also chose to use a close up shot as a part of a watching shot, however this shot is not as close up as the close up shot. It is further back and lets the audience see more of the character this time. We did try before to use a standard tracking shot however we felt as though it revealed too much of the character, so we decided to use a medium close up shot to follow the chracter through the room.

Low angle

We used this image of Jordan walking towards and through the door, as from this angle as it created a incresed sense of high status and higher authority within the character, as the low angle creates many different effects. This also included the sense of the mise-en-scene use of the walkie talkie, as that is a part of extra costume that Jordan decided to use. This also could have helped with the audiences beliefs of Jordan being a 'real' police chracater and made it look more realsitic than just someone walking through a door thinking they are of high standared.

We also used a low angle from the floor showing up thw side of the door, as this created another sense and effcet of mystery and why that door is an important part of the shot. However, after we had filmed from that angle, we realised that it was not best suited to our task as Jordans character blocked parts of the handle
and then did not look very professional.  

180 degree rule   

We used the 180 degree rule as we felt as though this was a good camera angle to use as it was part of one of the shots we spoke about, and also was one of the camera angles that we were required to use. As much as we liked using this angle as it was different, we were worried about how it would look compared to the other set outs of the other scenes.

As this was the case, we still chose to use this angle, but just in different ways that would still make our scenes flow.


Shot reverse shot

The last shot that we chose to use was the shot reverse shot, this was also one of thr shot angles that we were required to use in our pre-lim task.This shot was better used as it was easier than the 180 degree rule as it said we had to have two chracters having a converstaion, which was easy and related well to what our task was about. We decided that this type of shot would be the ebst to use in this way. It also helped show the difference of authority and status between both of the characters.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Preliminary task explanation.


Our Preliminary task was to film and edit a short script that we have created in our groups, when we then edit the scenes, we have to make sure that the scenes flow with each other and they show the different type of camera angles that we had to learn and research e.g. shot reverse shot, match on action. We then had to show that we can use them angle shots within the short clip that we had to create.

"Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes. All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source. Both preliminary and main tasks may be done individually or as a group. Maximum four members to a group". 

We knew that there were main camera angles and shots that we had to focus on throughout creating the pre-lim task, these are the explanations and examples of the three we mainly focused on.

Match on action shot

Matching on an action shot refers to certain film editing and video editing techniques where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first action shot. The best example of a match on action shot is when someone is walking through or towards a door. Then it cuts to where their hand is placed on the door handle and then them walking through the door, this then creates and emphasises more effect throughout the use of this shot.

Shot reverse shot

A shot reverse shot is an example of when the camera angle shows one character looking at another. The other character that they are looking a is often not seen and if they are, by very little. This shot then gets moved and reversed so that the camera is now facing the other character, and the character that could be seen before, can now not be seen. This gives the effect that the characters are opposite eachother and could be having a conversation with one another.

 180 shot

In the 180 shot, there is a 'line' called the axis, which is sued to connect the characters, this is by having the camera on the line of the axis at all times so the character is on the same side constantly. When the character is seen to pass of the line, then it breaks the line, which is known as 'jumping the line'. Therefore is you break the 180 rule, it is seen as 'shooting in the round'.


Monday, 5 September 2016


Hello, welcome to my AS media blog. featured on this blog will include parts of my research throughout the year and will also include the producing and filming of my own two opening film sequence. The genre of my film sequence will either be Horror or Thriller. The certain strengths that I feel as though i could use to be used within my group are the ideas I have, that can easily be created in ways of production, I also have a good aspect of writing, so I could also use that as an advantage to the group. Over the amount of time that I am creating my opening sequence i hope to learn more about the ways of camera angles and the different ways of editing and how do do it in a professional way.

The group that I will be working with over this time will be, Anna, Jordan and Alex.