Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Final institution names.

Our final institutional name for our film production will be called S.O.S' productions, we have chosen this name because we feel as though it is an intriguing and unique name.

S.O.S connotes the need for help like an agent or spy in danger that comes to save the day or scenario as victim is being haunted or needs help with something that could be deathly and this would be symbolic for us as the audiences who watch are film will feel some sort of need for help when certain scenes occur in our film because our characters will be relatable to our main target audience which will psychologically make them imagine themselves as though they were in the film

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Different area of the Uses and Gratifications theory.

Uses and Gratification explained.

Uses and gratification theory of commuincations explains how people use media to fulfill their needs. Gratification of needs is the most important role of media for humans. People get knowledge, interaction, relaxation, awareness, escape and entertainment through media which they use for Interpersonal communication as well.

The theory was introduced by Blumler and Katz in 1974 in the article “the Uses of Mass Communications: Current Perspectives on Gratifications Research” and focuses its attention on media users’ roles.

Unlike agenda setting theory,framing theory, and priming theory, this theory is about the use of media by humans and not the effect of media. This theory is taken as the contradictory theory to magic bullet theory as this theory takes public to be active whereas magic bullet takes audience as passive respondents. The theory is centred upon users and audience approach. This theory is more related to Maslows hierarchy theory..


Friday, 23 December 2016

Target audience description.

Our main target audience for our final production of the 2 minute clip will be of male teenagers nearing the age group between 16 to 21. 
This is because both of the protagonist and the antagonist will be in their teens, so therefore this would cause the teens to be more scared of the movie and also uncomfortable (which is our aim),  it will also enable them to imagine what if they were in the same situation as the actors putting them in a mental point of view, making it suitable for them to be our target audience because the film will be more relateable to them, than if  it were elderly males (45+) who were to watch the film it could cause damage to their health due to terrifying scenes. 

Secondary Audience

Our secondary audience will be female teenagers of the similar ages but 18-21 as we feel females become emotionally stable at that particular age therefore they will be able to handle certain scenes that will be in our final clip without cause a scene or becoming uncontrollable of their emotions in the cinema.
From the feedback/results we received from primary research which was conducting the location & mise-en-scene questionnaires, mostly males answered our questionnaire even though the questionnaire was evenly distributed to both genders however females answered too showing they are also interested in thriller films which is part of the reason we made females our secondary and males our main audience.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Dyers Star Representation Theory.

Richard Dyers Star Theory.

Richard Dyer - Star Theory

Richard Dyers star theory is the idea that celebrities are manufactured by institutions for financial gain. He thinks that stars are constructed to represent 'real people' experiencing real emotions. Stars are manufactured by the music industry to serve a purpose; to make money out of audience, who respond to various elements of a star’s personality by buying records and becoming fans. 

His theory is spilt into three sections:

1. Audiences and Institutions 
2. Hegemony.
3. Constitutions

Audience and Institutions 

Stars are made for money purposes alone. Increasing the brand identity benefits the institution as they become a household name increasing sales in all of the media platforms they are in.  The institution then models the artist around the target audience they choose. For example Lady GaGa, according to Dyer, was modeled around fashion forward people so the audience can relate to her as a person and also her music. 


This is also know as 'culture'. It is the idea that the audience relates to the star because they have a feature they the share or admire with the star. Some fans may attempt to copy the star in their behavior, what they say and what they do. But this could also be a negative impact as some stars often are heavy drinkers and drug abusers. For example in the 60's there was an increase of illegal sales of cannabis due to The Beatles being open about using it. Stars represent shared cultural values and attitudes, and promote a certain ideology. Audience interest in these values enhances their 'star quality', and it is through conveying beliefs, ideas and opinions outside music that performers help create their star character to their fans. 


This is more or less the same as the audience and institution part of his theory. 

Uses an Gratifications theory.

Uses and Gratifications Theory. 

Story Arc
