Saturday 24 December 2016

Different area of the Uses and Gratifications theory.

Uses and Gratification explained.

Uses and gratification theory of commuincations explains how people use media to fulfill their needs. Gratification of needs is the most important role of media for humans. People get knowledge, interaction, relaxation, awareness, escape and entertainment through media which they use for Interpersonal communication as well.

The theory was introduced by Blumler and Katz in 1974 in the article “the Uses of Mass Communications: Current Perspectives on Gratifications Research” and focuses its attention on media users’ roles.

Unlike agenda setting theory,framing theory, and priming theory, this theory is about the use of media by humans and not the effect of media. This theory is taken as the contradictory theory to magic bullet theory as this theory takes public to be active whereas magic bullet takes audience as passive respondents. The theory is centred upon users and audience approach. This theory is more related to Maslows hierarchy theory..


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