Wednesday 18 January 2017

Focus group questions.

These are our focus group questions we will ask people (minimum) to get an idea of what should be included in our film opening and what our target audience would prefer to see and what they dislike about thriller trailers etc, so that our overall final opening piece is up to their standards and creates satisfaction. From this we will create a focus group feedback. 

 1. what things do you expect to see when you watch a thriller trailer?

2. What about thriller openings specifically?

3. What are your opinions on thriller films? And if you dislike them why is that?

4. What do you consider to be an average thriller story-line?

5. What should a thriller film include in order to be classed as a thriller film?

6. Is there anything particular you like or dislike about thriller films?

7. If there were a film coming out about a group of friends who are in the woods searching for the rest of the group whilst undergoing life threatening situations would you watch it?

8. Is there a film that you saw recently because you enjoyed the trailer? What film was it and what was it about the trailer that made you want to watch the film?

9. If you could change anything about an average film trailer, what would it be?

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