Friday 4 November 2016

Symbolic codes of Barthes.

There are 5 main codes that Barthe concentrated on.

These main codes are:

  • Hermenuetic/Enigma code
  • Proairetic/Action code
  • Semantic code
  • Symbolic code
  • Referential code

All of these codes have many different meanings and contribute to creating different effects within films etc. The definitions of each code is down below.


This particular code refers to mystery within a text, suttle clues would be dropped but no answers that would give anything away would be given. Also, enigmas within the narrative will want to make the audience want to know more, however unanswered enigmas tend to frustrate the audience. 

Proairetic/Action code

This particular code contains sequential elements of action within the text, proairetic elements help add suspense to the text.

Semantic code

This code refers to parts in the text that add to the suggesting of additional meanings within the text. The elements of the semantic codes are called semes, the semes have connotive functions within the text, therefore it has additional meaning in addition to its literal meaning.

Symbolic code 

This code is about symbolism within the text, it conveys opposites to show contrast and stronger meaning creating more effect of tension, drama and the development of each character.

Referential code

This code refers to anything in the text which refers to anything scientific, e.g. External body of knowledge, historical and cultural knowledge.

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